Counseling and Vocational Guidance Office Practices

Welcoming Students
Each September we introduce ourselves to new students in order to facilitate their smooth transition into 10th grade (Α΄ Lyceum) and the 1st year of the IB DP. We acquaint them with the role of the Counseling and Vocational Guidance Office and provide them with a campus tour in collaboration with the Administration and Student Council.

Student Counseling
Taking into account each student’s distinctive character and needs, we are able to provide individual counseling to students who seek help on their own, or to those who have been referred to us by their parents, teachers and school administrators.  Our goal is to provide emotional and academic support to students in matters related to their daily lives both inside and outside school. When necessary, we work with external specialists who support students.

Parent Counseling
In order to better support our students, we also provide advisory services to parents of students who are in counseling in order to exchange information and discuss their progress. We also counsel School parents who feel the need to discuss issues related to the psychosocial development of their children, as well as issues related to emotional, learning or other difficulties that affect their children’s daily lives.

Monitoring and Support for Student with Learning Difficulties
We provide emotional and learning support for students with learning difficulties so that they can develop self-confidence, as well as study and organization skills, thus empowering them to make the most of their potential.

Vocational Orientation & Guidance

  • Administering of “Ariston” Vocational Orientation Test to all 10th grade (Α΄ Lyceum) students
  • Individual meetings with all 10th grade students to review the results of the “Ariston: Test (skills, personality types, self-esteem, self-discipline, and professional interests). The objective of these meetings is to investigate and analyze the personal and professional profile of each student, to assist in shaping their self-image as they transition into adulthood, to assist them in selecting their school program (General High School or I.B.) and area of concentration (Humanities, Maths & Sciences, etc.), and to assist them in planning future goals.
  • Organization of the Summer Internship Program for students in General High School grades 10 and 11 (Α΄ & B΄ Lyceum) and IB 1 aimed at giving students an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the subject/area of interest of their future studies.

Collaboration with Teachers
The aim is to keep teachers abreast of personal/family/learning difficulties that individual students may be facing, as well as to give them an opportunity to discuss classroom or individual student issues that are of concern.

Within the framework of our cooperation with teachers, our psychologists organize seminars related to the issues that students face and ways to cope with them (school bullying, resilience, communication, substance abuse, etc.). Seminars are presented by the psychologists themselves or in collaboration with external partners. Before schools opened following the hiatus caused by the pandemic, the psychologists organized a webinar for teachers on “Returning to School – Creating a New Reality.”

Seminars / Webinars
Webinars for parents and teachers.  Topics are determined by the prevailing needs of the community and implemented by the School’s psychologists or external partners. During nationwide school closures in response to the pandemic, our School psychologists presented two webinars, one titled “Challenge: Adolescents at Home,” the other “Survival Guide for Parents during the PanHellenic Examinations.”

Psychosocial Development and Support Programs
The following programs aim at implementing preventive measures and providing support to students:

  • Emotion Management Program
  • Respect Program
  • Anxiety Management Program

Life Skills Club
Students learn a range of skills (respect, communication, etc.) that will help them become more resilient and able to effectively manage issues in their daily lives.

Crisis Management
In emergencies (loss, natural disasters, pandemic, etc.), regardless of whether they are of individual or school-wide concern, we support our students and the whole school community through individual counseling, intervention programs and online communication.

We believe in “lifelong learning” and, as such, we constantly monitor current developments by organizing seminars and participating in workshops and conferences.


During the Social Life slot, students watch videos we created especially for the quarantine period, and discuss with their teachers.

 You can watch the videos here (in Greek):

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H Σημασία της Προσπάθειας και των Προκλήσεων στον Δρόμο προς την Επιτυχία

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