Athens College Centennial 1925 - 2025

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Extension of the Founding Law of Athens College to all HAEF School Units

Sep 20, 2024, 14:23 PM by Αμαλία-Ιωάννα Ζαούση
The Founding Law of Athens College, passed in 1929, defined the character of our School, giving the opportunity to deviate from the State Programs and to integrate in teaching practice innovative elements that were applied in schools in the USA and other European countries.    

With the issue of Law 5128/2024 (Article 24), all Hellenic-American Educational Foundation school units (Elementary, Junior High, High Schools of Athens College and Psychico College as well as  "J.M. Carras" Kindergarten) are now able to make use of the provisions of the Athens College Founding Law.

The extension of the validity of the Founding Law guarantees the representation of all HAEF Schools by the President and ensures the appointment of a Co-Director for Psychico College. It allows the College curriculum, the daily schedules and the way of assessing our students to be differentiated from that of the State in accordance with the pedagogical concepts and capabilities of the College. It also allows for the extension of courses taught in English, except Greek Language, Religious Studies, Greek History and Geography of Greece.  
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TIME: 05:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Commencement of Adult Education Programs

TIME: 03:00 AM

Founders' Day


Athens College at a glance

Athens College was founded in 1925 by enlightened Greeks, led by Emmanuel Benakis and Stephanos Delta with the contribution of prominent Americans, such as Edward Capps, Bert Hodge Hill, Charles Howland, etc. Athens College belongs to the non-profit association "Hellenic-American Educational Foundation" and is a Greek private school, whose founding charter distinguishes it from other Greek schools.

For almost a century, it stands as a beacon of primary and secondary educational excellence, incorporating best global educational practices of Greece and beyond. The premier education provided is enriched with a program of diverse extracurricular and social outreach activities.

The Journey of Learning