Our Programs



Beyond the rigorous curriculum our students have an opportunity to spend their time creatively and enjoyably by participating in diverse activities offered by Athens College's after-school program, the Special Programs.

The programs offer foreign language lessons in English, French, German, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, a comprehensive Athletics and Dance program, a Conservatory which prepares students for exams in orchestral and modern instruments and organizes concerts, innovative lessons in STEAM and chess. Students choose from among 55 options, one of the largest, if not the largest, after-school program in the Balcans. Over 1500 students each year train for competitions; prepare to sit foreign language certification exams; take classes in fine and performing arts; go on excursions; and train in competitive team sports.

Special Programs classes are conducted in our school’s state-of-the-art facilities, under the guidance of specialized teachers.  By participating in these, students socialize and interact with similarly aged children who share their same interests.

Music classes at the College Conservatory are open to students from outside our school.

One More Important Distinction for “J. M. Carras” Kindergarten

Oct 4, 2016, 00:00 AM by Vicky Anastassini
Awarded “Most Popular Building” in a national competition. As part of the celebratory events to mark its 30th anniversary, the magazine “Ktirio” (“



Awarded “Most Popular Building” in a national competition.




As part of the celebratory events to mark its 30th anniversary, the magazine “Ktirio” (“Building”) organized a nationwide competition – via online voting - to name the most popular architectural buildings in Greece.  Two hundred (200) buildings, classified into five categories (Urban Residences - Country Homes – Office, Commercial & Industrial Buildings – Public, Health, & Education Constructions, Cultural Centers – Hotels) competed for awards.


The 50 buildings that distinguished themselves in the first round (June 2016), vied for top ranking in the final round (September 2016), in which 6,643 votes were cast. 

The Hellenic-American Educational Foundation’s “J. M. Carras” Kindergarten (Architects:  “Alexandros C. Samaras & Associates S.A.) won 1st place in the category “Public, Health  & Educational Constructions, Cultural Centers” with 1,598 votes, beating the new Acropolis Museum (Bernard Tschumi Architects with associate Michael Photiadis Architect / Architectural Team) which placed 2nd with 1,069 votes.  

The Kindergarten building’s success-distinction was “two-fold” as the 1,598 votes which it received also ranked it first amongst contestants in all five categories.  

The award ceremony to honor the 15 most popular buildings took place in a formal event at the Athens Concert Hall on September 26, 2016.  Mr. Alexandros C. Samaras, project architect and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic-American Educational Foundation (Athens College – Psychico College), received our Kindergarten’s prize.  


As we all know, the “J. M. Carras” Kindergarten also holds a significant international distinction:  In 2014 it was certified with the acclaimed Platinum LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design).  It is the first Kindergarten building in the world (outside the United States), which was awarded this highest recognition of excellence by the U.S. Green Building Council.


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