Επιστήμες και τεχνολογία
Κριμζής, Σταμάτης. Ταξίδι στο ηλιακό σύστημα: από τον Ερμή στον Πλούτωνα σε 50 χρόνια. Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος, 2017. (629.4 ΚΡΙ)
Amson-Bradshaw, Georgia. The houses we build. Cavendish Square, 2020. (693.8 AMS)
Biotech and bioethics. Independence, 2019. (660.6 BIO)
Chandler, Matt. Military drones. Capstone, 2017. (623.7469 CHA)
Chow-Miller, Ian.Integrated robotics. Cavendish Square, 2017. (629.892 CHO)
Christakis, Nicholas. Apollo’s arrow: the profound and enduring impact of coronavirus on the way we live. Little, Brown Spark, 2020. (614.592414 CHR)
Christakis, Nicholas. Το βέλος του Απόλλωνα: οι βαθιές και μακροχρόνιες επιπτώσεις της πρόσφατης πανδημίας στον τρόπο που ζούμε. Κάκτος, 2020. (614.592414 CHR)
Fallon, Michael. Self-driving cars: the new way forward. Twenty-First Century Books, 2019. (629.222 FAL)
Greenling, Jason. The technology of the Vikings. Cavendish Square, 2017. (609.48022 GRE)
Herschbach, Elisabeth. Science and technology in the twenty-first century. Reference Point Press, 2020. (600 HER)
Hulick, Kathryn. Real-world STEM: develop fusion energy. Reference Point Press, 2020. (621.48 HUL)
Jefferis, David. Space workers: making money above Earth. Crabtree, 2018. (629.45 JEF)
Kallen, Stuart. Real-world STEM: global access to clean water. Reference Point Press, 2018. (628.1 KAL)
Kallen, Stuart. Real-world STEM: develop economical solar power. Reference Point Press, 2018. (621.31 KAL)
Kopp, Megan. Space tech: high-tech space science. Crabtree, 2018. (629.4 KOP)
Laurenza, Domenico. Leonardo’s machines: secrets and inventions in the Da Vinci codices. Giunti, 2017. (621.8 LAU)
Laurenza, Domenico. Leonardo’s machines: Da Vinci’s inventions revealed. David and Charles, 2008. (621.8 LAU)
Leavitt, Amie Jane. Experimental drones. Capstone, 2017. (623.7469 LEA)
McCombs, Kevin. Advanced programming and design. Cavendish Square, 2017. (629.892 MCC)
McCombs, Kevin. Locomotion and mechanics. Cavendish Square, 2017. (629.892 MCC)
Miller, Tessa. Creepy and crawly: technology inspired by animals. Full Tilt Press, 2019. (670 MIL)
Miller, Tessa. Wings and beaks: technology inspired by animals. Full Tilt Press, 2019. (620.0042 MIL)
Morkes, Andrew. Robotics developers. Mason Crest, 2020. (629.892 MOR)
Mosloski, Jessica. How self-driving cars will impact society. Reference Point Press, 2019. (629.222 MOS)
Newcomb, Tim. GoPro, Garmin and camera drones. Mason Crest, 2019. (621.38833 NEW)
Nixon, Jonathan. Energy engineering and powering the future. Crabtree, 2017. (621.042 NIX)
Porterfield, Jason. The benefits of spaceflight and space exploration. Britannica Educational / Rosen, 2018. (629.4 POR)
Rooney, Anne. Genetic engineering and developments in biotechnology. Crabtree, 2017. (660.6 ROO)
Rose, Simon. Agricultural drones. Capstone, 2017. (631.3 ROS)
Sjonger, Rebecca. Ocean engineering and designing for the deep sea. Crabtree, 2017. (620.4162 SJO)
Sjonger, Rebecca. Robotics engineering and our automated world. Crabtree, 2017. (629.892 SJO)
Technology of the ancient world. Britannica Educational / Rosen, 2016. (609.01 TEC)
Technology of the modern world. Britannica Educational / Rosen, 2016. (609.04 TEC)
Technology of the medieval and early modern worlds. Britannica Educational / Rosen, 2016. (609.02 TEC)
Technology of the industrial revolution. Britannica Educational / Rosen, 2016. (609.03 TEC)
Ιατρική και ανθρώπινο σώμα
Allman, Toney. Genetics and medicine. Reference Point Press, 2018. (615.895 ALL)
Beeovr, Lucy. Understanding our organs. Capstone, 2017. (611 BEE)
Blohm, Craig. 3D printing and medicine. Reference Point Press, 2018. (610.284 BLO)
Bow, James. Left brain vs. right brain. Gareth Stevens, 2019. (612.825 BOW)
Dinmont, Kerry. Virtual reality in health care. BrightPoint Press, 2022. (610.285 DIN)
Edwards, Sue Bradford. Robotics in health care. BrightPoint Press, 2022. (610.285 EDW)
Hand, Carol. The gross science of germs all around you. Rosen, 2019. (579.3 HAN)
Hulick, Kathryn. Robotics and medicine. Reference Point Press, 2018. (629.892 HUL)
Latta, Sara. Body 2.0: the engineering revolution in medicine. Twenty-first Century Books, 2020. (610. 28 LAT)
Loveday, Catherine. Exploring the human brain. Rosen, 2019. (612.82 LOV)
McCarthy, Cecilia Pinto. Bionics in health care. BrightPoint Press, 2022. (617.95 MCC)
McCarthy, Cecilia Pinto. Genetic engineering in health care. BrightPoint Press, 2022. (576.5 MCC)
Narod, Don. Nanotechnology and medicine. Reference Point Press, 2018. (610.28 NAR)
Roland, James. Virtual reality and medicine. Reference Point Press, 2018. (610.285 ROL)
Ventura, Marne. 3D Printing in health care. BrightPoint Press, 2022. (610.284 VEN)
Gallagher, Brigid. Exploring meteor showers. Capstone, 2018. (523.5 GAL)
Gillingham, Sarah. Κοιτάζοντας τα αστέρια. Καπόν, 2019. (523.8 GIL)
Gubster, Steven. The little book of black holes. Princeton University Press, 2017. (523.8875 GUB)
Hubbard, Ben. The story of Mars. Watts, 2020. (523.43 HUB)
Keranen, Rachel. The Big Bang theory. Cavendish Square, 2018. (523.18 KER)
Keranen, Rachel. The Big Bang theory and light spectra. Cavendish Square, 2017. (523.18 KER)
Keranen, Rachel. The composition of the universe: the evolution of stars and galaxies. Cavendish Square, 2017. (523.112 KER)
Latta, Sara. Exploring constellations. Capstone, 2018. (523.8 LAT)
Sherman, Jill. Exploring eclipses. Capstone, 2018. (523.99 SHE)
Κλαουδάτος, Σταύρος. Quantum mechanics for starters. [The author], 2021. (530.12 ΚΛΑ)
Claybourne, Anna. Electricity and magnetism. Wayland, 2016. (537 CLA)
Claybourne, Anna. Forces and motion. Wayland, 2016. (531.11 CLA)
Keranen, Rachel. Exploring auroras. Capstone, 2018. (538.768 KEN)
McLean, Adam. What is atomic theory? Crabtree, 2011. (539.7 MCL)
O’ Leary, Denyse. What are Newton’s laws of motion? Crabtree, 2011. (531.1 OLE)
Rovelli, Carlo. Η πραγματικότητα δεν είναι αυτό που φαίνεται: από τον Δημόκριτο στην κβαντική βαρύτητα. Εκδόσεις Πατάκη, 2019. (530.143 ROV)
Gray, Theodore. Τα στοιχεία: μια οπτική εξερεύνηση όλων των γνωστών ατόμων του σύμπαντος. Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2019. (546 GRA)
Krause, Johannes. Το ταξίδι των γονιδίων μας. Εκδόσεις Διόπτρα, 2019. (576.78 KRA)
Picq, Pascal. Εξηγώντας στα παιδιά τη θεωρία της εξέλιξης: ο Δαρβίνος με απλά λόγια. Μεταίχμιο, 2009. (576.82 PIC)
Schilthuizen, Menno. Ο Δαρβίνος πάει στην πόλη: οι διαδρομές της εξέλιξης. Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2021. (577.56 SCH)
A visual guide to evolution and genetics. Rosen, 2019. (576.8 VIS)
Walker, Robert. What is the theory of evolution? Crabtree, 2011. (576.82 WAL)
Γεωλογία - Ζωολογία
Peterson, Christy. Into the deep: science, technology and the quest to protect the ocean. Twenty-First Century Books, 2020. (551.46 PET)
Wilson, Edward. Γένεσις: η απώτερη προέλευση των κοινωνιών. Utopia, 2021. (591.5 WIL)

Adams, Julia. Inventors and scientists. Gareth Stevens, 2020. (509.252 ADA)
Amson-Bradshaw, Georgia. Pioneers of science and technology. Wayland, 2018. (509.22 AMS)
Blanchard, Anne. Super scientists. Wide Eyed Editions, 2019. (509.22 BLA)
Freedman, Jeri. Women of the scientific revolution. Rosen, 2018. (509.22 FRE)