

In less than a year, Athens College will celebrate 100 years of brilliant history and contribution to education and society (1925-2025).

For a century, our School has provided education of the highest quality and remains steadfast in its principles and values as articulated by its founders, led by Emmanuel Benakis and Stefanos Delta.

We invite all members of the College family to join us in celebrating this important milestone for the School, and, all together, become inspired by our history and envision the next 100 years of Athens College.

In the context of the Centennial, a series of events and activities are planned that will highlight our School's long achievements, as well as the pioneering institutions that have shaped its unique character.

One of the central events that will take place is the "Anniversary Exhibition for the 100 years of the history of Athens College", which will be hosted in the foyer of the College Theater in Psychico, from February to June 2025. The Exhibition will present the main aspects of the School's 100 years and will include archival material, historical documents, and memorabilia.

Anniversary Exhibition

Your participation is essential to bring the history of our School back to life together!

We invite you:

  • To search in your drawers and libraries for school objects, books that were specifically taught at the College, notes, progress reports or excuses for absences, notebooks, art projects, posters, letters, souvenirs from excursions, trips, events and other activities in school life, especially in the 20th century.
  • Post photos of the proposed exhibits in the contact form below, filling in the date, description, and dimensions of each exhibit.
  • Submit stories, memories, moments you remember from your school years.
  • Submit thoughts, ideas or suggestions on the content of the Exhibition. 

Your contribution will be valuable and crucial to the success of the Exhibition.


    Contact Form