Physical Education and Sports
Since the founding of our school, the cultivation of athletic spirit has been integral to our school’s educational process. With experienced physical education teachers who specialize in the various branches of P.E. and with state-of-the-art sports facilities, our students receive first-rate training in physical education and develop skills in a variety of sports.
Apart from the advantages of lifelong exercise to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, Physical Education and Sports classes contribute to the development of students’ character. They help students learn self-discipline and responsibility; they help them embrace the principles of teamwork and fair play; they help them espouse the College athletic spirit, which centers on effort and participation – all of which are values that should lead us through life.
Participation in the school’s sports teams allows students to acquire competition experience. By playing in Ministry, ASIS (Athletic Conferences of Private Schools) and PanHellenic Schools championship games, as well as in international meets, they learn to set goals, to support one another and to be both proud of and modest about their accomplishments.
Through activities and events in collaboration with Special Olympics teams, athletes with disabilities, and Paralympic athletes, as well as through participation in the College Marathon, students gain awareness of social issues and show solidarity with their fellow man.
Through extracurricular sports, they discover their aptitudes, train intensively and improve their skills in the sports of their choice.
Our primary goal in helping students to cultivate and develop their physical, intellectual and spiritual capabilities is for them to grow up to become healthy and content adults.