Damianos Abakoumkin '85
Damianos Abakoumkin was born in Athens in 1967, he graduated from Athens College in 1985. He holds a Dipl. in Architectural Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (1991), MArch (1992) and UDes Cert (1995) from University of Pennsylvania. Received Scholarships from the State Scholarships Foundation and Eugenides Foundation, as well as a UPenn Fellowship for studies in France and Italy.
Partner in “V. Abakoumkin &
Associates Partnership” (1991-2012), and founding member of “AKKM &
Associates – Architecture & Urban Design Studio” (1992-2019). Has
undertaken a plethora of architectural studies for the construction of various
projects. Distinctions (individually or as a team member) include: 1st prize in
the Europan – Paneuropean Architectural Competition (1993), shortlisted for the
Hellenic Institute of Architecture Awards 2004, winner in the Association of
Greek Architects Awards 2010, National nomination for the E.U. Prize for
Contemporary Architecture - Mies Van Der Rohe Awards (2013 and 2017).
He has been elected as a member of the Delegation of the Association of Greek Architects (SADAS-PEA) and its BoD (2011-14),the Delegation of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG) (2010-19) and its Governing Committee (2014-15), and served as the Curator of the Scientific Committee of Architects. Member of the UIA (International Union of Architects) Greek Section, Coordinator of the SADAS-PEA -WP “Architecture in Schools”, and member of the UIA- WP “Architecture and Children”.
Member of the HAEF Somateion since 2012, and its BoD since 2017.
He is married to Maria Christina Averoff and they have three children: Elena '20, Viktor '20, Markos (student at AC).