Elli Filippopoulou '88
Elli Filippopoulou is a graduate of the first co-educational class of Athens College in 1988 and the first female Board member of the Athens College Alumni Association-SAKA.
Elli holds a Law degree from the University of Athens and a Master’s in Laws /LL.M from Cambridge University, Trinity Hall College. She was specialized in Intellectual Property Law, the Law and Policies of the European Union, European Competition Law and International Commercial Litigation at Cambridge University and got a Diploma in European Institutional Law from Strasbourg/Robert Schuman University.
She is accredited at the Supreme Court and a Regulatory Consultant. She has worked as Regulatory consultant of the European Commission, the OECD (Directorates of Public Governance and Competition) and the World Bank in the fields of the reduction of administrative burdens, the lifting of legislative restrictions for competition, the liberalization of regulated professions, the simplification of licensing of economic activities and, overall, the enhancement of the business environment in Greece. She has acted as Project Manager in culture projects of the European Union and represents many US, EU and international commercial associations and businesses as well as prominent authors and personalities in the Arts and Culture. She has represented Greece at international conferences in Intellectual Property of the UNESCO, ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation), the Council of Europe. She has published many articles in local and international law reviews. Elli has been an honorary member and legal advisor of many welfare organizations and the umbrella organization for suffering and disabled children in Greece “Together for Children”.