Athens College Elementary School Awarded by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature

Apr 10, 2019
On Saturday, April 6, 2019, our School was awarded for the third time by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (EEPF) for its participation in the international network “Eco-Schools.

On Saturday, April 6, 2019, our School was awarded for the third time by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (EEPF) for its participation in the international network “Eco-Schools.” 

At this year’s Awards Ceremony that was held in the Benaki Museum Amphitheater, student members of the Environmental and Gardening Club, Ms. M. Giannakopoulou, Mr. G. Tzouvistas and the Deputy Director of the Lower Section, Mr. S. Kallimanis, represented our School.  


The goal of the international network Eco-Schools is to change the behavior of all members of a school community so that the particular school can become a true “Eco-School.” That is accomplished by the design and implementation of environmental activities within the school that are primarily carried out by the students themselves.

Members of our School’s Environmental and Gardening Club organize and carry out environmental activities that involve the forest surrounding our School, as well as the wider area.  At the same time, the entire Athens College Elementary School student community participates in paper, electrical - electronic appliances, and bottle cap recycling programs, as well as beach clean-ups, composting programs and more. Moreover, cultural programs and presentations centered on ecological and environmental issues are carried out in the School Theater.


This academic year, the Robin Woods team was established.  After members of the Environmental Club concluded a presentation to their fellow classmates in the Theater about their activities, they invited students to join the Robin Woods team.  The goal of the Robin Woods is to protect the forest from rubbish.  During breaks, students who comprise this team encourage their peers to throw their garbage in recycling bins instead of the Schools’ forest.


Our participation in the network and the award give us the best incentive to continue our efforts and to increase our activities!


Congratulations to our student and their teachers!

