Safer Internet Day at Athens College Elementary School
Athens College Elementary School celebrated Safer Internet Day on Friday, February 5, 2021. Within this context, 6th grade students spoke with their classmates about the proper use of the Internet, while presenting the comics they created for the occasion.
As part of the interdisciplinary unit of inquiry on “How technology affects our lives depends on how we use it,” the students investigated the positive and negative affects of using the Internet.
During the distance learning period in November, the children focused their research on the topic of Safer Internet use and collaboratively prepared a speech on the issue. Upon their return to in-school classes, the six 6th grade class section presidents videotaped their speeches for Bodossakeio’s Studio Web TV, which were then aired during the celebration of Safer Internet Day. Student members of the Robotics team edited audio messages for our student radio station, which were broadcast on our School’s loudspeakers throughout the week in which Safer Internet Day 2021 fell, giving everyone clear and direct pointers for safe Internet browsing.
Lastly, all 6th graders created digital comics in which they captured their personal perception of positive and quality Internet use. The children entered their creations in the 2021 PanHellenic Safer Internet Competition.
Enjoy their work here!