Athens College Elementary School Students Give to “Star Wish” Program
Despite the distancing imposed by the pandemic, children manage to become close with other children who suffer from serious illnesses.
Our young students were once again steadfast supporters of the non-profit organization Make-A-Wish Hellas, fulfilling wishes that correspond to 1500 stars in their Star Wish program.
Section 6α students, in particular, under the leadership of their teacher Ms. Katerina Mpozoni, were rewarded with 600 Star Wishes, having given with all their hearts.
Our children’s wishes travel, giving strength and hope to other children who are need of it and who await the fulfillment of their wish.
The stars remain on the bulletin boards to remind us that anything is possible, as long as we deeply believe in it. Our children, again this year, boosted the Wish for Health and a Life Full of Smiles.
Kudos to them!