Psychico College Elementary School Library: International Children’s Book

International Children’s Book Day is celebrated every year on April 2nd. It was established in 1966 by the International Board on Books for Young People (I.B.B.Y.) to mark the anniversary of the birth of renowned Danish storyteller, Hans Christian Andersen (b. April 2, 1805) and aims to inspire children to love books and reading.
The U.S. chapter of I.B.B.Y. is responsible for the material used in this year’s celebration. The message was written by American poet, Margarita Engle, and the poster created by illustrator and author, Roger Mello. Roger Mello designed some of the manuscripts written in Greek that form part of the artwork.
During Library time we will read, talk, draw, share experiences from our favorite books, watch movie clips with a corresponding theme… we will absorb pictures, words and sounds and we will relinquish ourselves to their magic!
By clicking here, you can view the material that the Library of Psychico College Elementary School gathered and curated.