Art Exhibition by Psychico College Elementary School Pupils
An exhibition of individual and group pieces created by Psychico College Elementary School pupils between 2011 and today is on display in the atrium of Latseio building. As part of the Arts Activities program, students in all school grades are introduced to the history of Art and are exposed to contemporary artistic movements and the works of great artists and poets. As a result of this experiential process and dialogue, pupils capture their own ideas in their works. This exercise perpetuates the vision of Markos Kynigos, the great teacher who summarized his beliefs with the phrase: “We learn that we live and not that we are being taught.”
The exhibition was curated by Psychico College Elementary School’s Arts Activities teachers, Eleni Dimopoulos and Maria Kachramanoglou.
The objective of the Arts Activities program is for children to:
· Approach interdisciplinary units with an exploratory frame of mind, recognizing the wider dimensions of Art, through individual and group projects.
· Explore the concepts of composition and space by creating three-dimensional constructions with mixed materials.
· Understand the importance of the values that the School upholds.
· Cultivate environmental awareness through the reuse and recycling of materials in their artistic creations.
· Develop critical thinking about their personal work, as well as self-critique.
· Develop their emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, empathy and self-confidence.