Athens College Centennial 1925 - 2025


Psychico College Elementary School’s Drama Club Presents “The Foreign Egg” by E. Valavani

May 31, 2021

The Drama Club of Psychico College Elementary School is forging ahead on its creative course despite the unusual and somewhat difficult year.  On-stage performances were not feasible due to the pandemic. But, we never gave up.

We continued to meet online …

  • trying, instead of complaining
  • collaborating, instead of isolating
  • ·dreaming on, instead of feeling disappointed

and we succeeded in ...

  •  maintaining, for the most part, the cohesiveness of the theatrical troupe
  • highlighting the power and value of the spoken word
  • exploiting our creativity through music, artwork and sound creation while enduring difficult conditions for months at a time
  • utilizing the technological advances available to us in order to create a video.

In the end, we presented our work to children in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades.

We present to you “The Foreign Egg” by Eleni Valavani.
