Students in Grades 1 – 4 at Psychico College Elementary School Learn about the World of Bees
“Without plants, there is no life. But, without bees, there are no plants.”
We need bees more than ever!
Students in 1st, 2nd,
3rd and 4th grades at Psychico College Elementary School
became acquainted with the world of bees and their exceptional products by way
of the educational program, “Bee Plan.” Through activities, students were able
to understand the important role that domesticated and wild bees, as well
as other pollinators, play in both the environment and for humans. They also understood
the importance of bee rescue and conservation.
They learned secrets about bees' way of life and about their habits. And, in the end, they drew our own favorite bee. They saw how hives and honeycombs work and they constructed bee nests in order to accommodate solitary bees in the spring.