Award in PanHellenic Historic Photo Competition
Athens College Elementary School once again distinguished itself by participating in an eco competition. Sixth (6th) grade and 2nd grade students, along with their teacher Ms. Marianthi Giannakopoulou, took part in a PanHellenic Historic Photo Competition on the Environment and Sustainability that that was implemented within the networks “Green Corners,” “Learning about Forests,” and “Young Reporters for the Environment” of the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (HSPN).
The aim of the competition was to highlight a specific issue concerning one’s neighborhood or even one’s local or wider community through a series of photographs. Our 6th graders won 3rd Prize for their project titled” I am here! Can’t you see me? Can’t you hear me?” The judges were impressed by the connecting dialogue-narrative and photo images, the effective approach to the issue, and the highlighting of the importance of environmental protection and coastal cleaning, actions initiated by the students themselves.
At the same time, our School’s 2nd graders won a commendation from the judges for their project titled “No more plastic,” thus nicely rounding out the highly successful presence of Athens College Elementary in the competition. Their teacher, Ms. Giannakopoulou, was also awarded for her work.
Bravo to the students and congratulations to their teacher!