EU Code Week at the Athens College Elementary School

EU Code Week at the Athens College Elementary School

Nov 3, 2021

EU Code Week (#Code Week) is a grassroots initiative, run by volunteers and supported by the European Commission. Its aim is to organize events in the EU member states to make coding and computational thinking skills more accessible to all, in a fun and engaging way.

As the European Commission says about the importance of programming on the official website:

“Learning how to code enhances creativity, teaches us how to cooperate beyond physical and geographical boundaries, and to communicate in a global language. It proves that technology is part of our everyday life.”

The Coding@Home videos promoted by the EU Code Week are a series of videos aimed at supporting children and parents in learning computational thinking skills while also having fun at the same time. These videos are aimed at anyone interested in learning how to code (aged 5 and older) and are available in 29 languages.

The EU Code Week for this school year (2021) took place with great success on October 9-24, 2021. The Athens College Elementary School organized two official events for the grades 5 and 6, which were added to the #Code Week map ( Students from grades 5 and 6, with the guidance of their teachers, Ms. Vivi Leli and Mr. Nikolaos Makris, created their own Animation in the Computer Science class using Scratch, and sent their message encouraging safe web surfing to the whole world! Similar events of visual coding were organized for the grades 1-4 of the School. Finally, class 6β prepared an audio message for the Athens College Elementary School Radio, which was broadcast to all the school corridors during the EU Code Week. You can listen and enjoy their message here.

