Athens College Elementary School Awarded the Eco-Schools’ Green Flag
We are proud and delighted to announce that the Athens College Elementary School is among the schools that will be awarded the Green Flag for Eco-Schools!
The schools’ award ceremony for the Green Flag for Eco-Schools is scheduled to take place online in February, 2022. The Green Flag comes in recognition of all the efforts made by our School’s students to raise awareness about environmental issues.
More specifically:
During academic year 2020-2021, our Grade 6 students participated in the Greek National Photo-story Competition, which was part of the Environmental Education Networks “My Neighborhood’s Green Corners”, “Learning about the Forests”, and “Young Environmental Journalists”. Our School is among those who were selected by the representations of the three Networks, after evaluating the photo-stories of each school according to the criteria set by the Competition’s announcement letter.
Over the last school year, and through the interdisciplinary PYP unit “The Forest as an Ecosystem”, Grade 3 students participated in the national and international school network “LEAF - Learning about the Forests”, which is coordinated in Greece by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature. Through this, students strengthened their environmental awareness in an experiential way. They also got to know our School’s woods better, which are an ecosystem of their own, and they understood the importance of protecting it.
It is worth noting that our School will be awarded for its projects in the “Learning about the Forests” network on Saturday, November 27, 2021. The following projects received acclamation: “Environmental Path” and “Forest Sensory Walk”. They will be presented as best practices by our educators, English teacher Ms. M. Giannakopoulou and Physical Education teacher Mr. G. Tzouvistas, in the network’s upcoming seminar titled “Learning about the Forests - Skills and Best Practices”.
Let’s give our warmest congratulations to the educators and all the students who succeeded, with their actions, to bring to our School its fourth Eco Flag!
We are confident that our projects for the protection of the environment will continue this year with the same engagement and sensitivity for a sustainable planet.