Athens College Elementary Students participate in the Competition “Plastic - Say no to use - Find a solution”
60 students from Athens College Elementary Grades 4, 5, and 6 participated with their drawings in the drawing and photography competition “Plastic - Say no to use - Find a solution”. It was organized by the Municipality of Pallini in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Eastern Attica, the photo club PRISMA of the Athletic Scientific Cultural Association ATHLEPOLIS, and the Arts School of Gerakas, as well as the Public Benefit Enterprise of Sports-Culture and the Environment. All students received a certificate for their participation in this initiative and for helping spread this important message.
The works of all participants are displayed on the Municipality of Pallini’s digital platform Followgreen and can be viewed here. English Department teachers Mses. Avagianou Malvina, Giannakopoulou Marianthi, Drimili Guely, Kafetzopoulou Faye and Tsoumani Vasiliki, coordinated this initiative and guided the students. They received an honorary distinction for their contribution in an event organized by the Municipality of Pallini at the Gerakas Cultural Center of April 12.