Athens College Elementary Celebrates Euro Code Week 2022

Athens College Elementary Celebrates Euro Code Week 2022

Nov 2, 2022

Athens College Elementary School organized six formal events to celebrate Euro Code Week 2022 (October 8-23, 2022) which took place in the Computer Labs.

The students accepted the coding challenges set by Computer Science teachers, Ms. Poppy Vassalou and Ms. Vivi Leli, and had fun coding! The activities were posted on the Euro Code Week 2022 activities list, by grade. Below you will find material from the activities that took place during Euro Code Week, as well as the certificates of participation received by the School.

An audio message from the president and vice-president of the Student Council for the celebration of Euro Code Week 2022.

Visual programming activities carried out by grade:

Programing by giving correct and detailed instructions (Grade 2): We program various heroes on the computer by giving correct and detailed instructions, thus developing algorithmic thinking. We work on the site and make programs to help the Angry Bird reach his destination.

ractice algorithmic thinking with the Run Marco game. We learn to think algorithmically, predict the outcome of commands and correct errors in a given program.

Programming the heroes to reach their goal (Grade 4): We program different heroes, giving them correct and detailed instructions to reach their goal

Programming our Euro Code Week messages with Scratch (Grade 5): We create our Euro Code Week messages with animation in Scratch.

Maze game (Grade 6): We create a game in Scratch in which a cat chases a mouse through a maze.
