Ghana Water Project: It’s Happening!-Athens College Elementary School

Ghana Water Project: It’s Happening!-Athens College Elementary School

Apr 3, 2023

Ms. Stefani Grigoriou is a volunteer from Cyprus who travelled to Greece to meet the Athens College Elementary student team “It’s happening”, a team raising money for the drilling of a borehole in the village of Ekoso in the Kwahu region of mountainous Ghana. The village has 2000 inhabitants and a school. However, the only borehole that existed has been destroyed, leaving the villagers without access to clean water.

On Monday, March 27, Ms. Grigoriou shared her experiences from ten years of volunteering in Ghana with the students of our School and together with the "It's happening" team she presented the Ghana Water Project to the student community. The amount of money required for the completion of the project is approximately 4,500-5,000 euros and will significantly change the living standards of the people in the region. The project will start in April 2023 and is expected to be completed by mid-May 2023. During the project, Ms. Grigoriou will be streaming live with the students so that they can keep track of the developments and co-organize activities with the local school.

The student team “It’s happening” is comprised of 9 Grade 6 students and a teacher. Team members are:

Ζοi Kaisari

Andreas Karagiannis

Stavros Kotalakidis

Konstantinos Kylikas

Artemis Konstantinou

Vasilis Labropoulos

Xenia Liagka

Nikolaos Myrillas

Eleni Roussounelou

Teacher: Ms. Marianthi Giannakopoulou 


More on the project at:

