Athens College Grades 1 & 2 student activities

Two months have passed since the beginning of the school year and Grade 1 & Grade 2 students of Athens College Elementary School have engaged in many activities either in the classrooms or in the School's Little Theatre carried out by the School psychologist Ms. S. Moutzouri. We got to know each other better, through our similarities and differences. We discussed the power of words and the way they can hurt others. We talked about the "Rule of the Underwear", which aims for children to understand that their bodies belong to them and that no one can touch or caress them without their permission. We talked about how we can say "no" and made it clear that any secret that causes them anxiety, embarrassment, fear or distress is not considered good and therefore they should not hide it but should immediately inform an adult that they trust. We thus built our safety net, consisting of the people we trust. At the same time, during the breaks, students participated in a lot of group games with their teachers, with the aim of socializing.