Athens College Elementary School competes in Young Reporters for the Environment Competition
Apr 19, 2024
Forest fires are one of the most catastrophic and life-threatening environmental disasters. Over the past years, they have been spreading faster than the speed of light and they have become more severe than ever. The planet has just experienced the warmest winter in its history. Rising temperatures and dry climate are the perfect conditions for more fires to start, creating a vicious circle where the overheating of our planet causes fires and the fires cause overheating. Trees can reverse climate change and save the planet. Let’s stop burning them down. Let’s plant more of them, instead. Together, we CAN!
Forest fires are one of the most catastrophic and life-threatening environmental disasters. Over the past years, they have been spreading faster than the speed of light and they have become more severe than ever. The planet has just experienced the warmest winter in its history. Rising temperatures and dry climate are the perfect conditions for more fires to start, creating a vicious circle where the overheating of our planet causes fires and the fires cause overheating. Trees can reverse climate change and save the planet. Let’s stop burning them down. Let’s plant more of them, instead. Together, we CAN!