Athens College Elementary School - A major success in the Erasmus+ program!

Athens College Elementary School - A major success in the Erasmus+ program!

Mar 4, 2025
The proposal for collaboration of the Athens College Elementary School English Department with organizations from Sweden and Slovenia, in the framework of an Erasmus+ 210 program, was approved with a 96/100 score. The three partners will share 60,000€ to bring the project "Greening our Curriculum - Greening our Schools" to life.

The 18-month project focuses on the creation of an e-book with educational material to teach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through English class. To this purpose, there will be a mobility program for teachers to conduct further training, while lesson plans for Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High and High School students will then be developed. The educational material will be primarily implemented in participating schools and distributed to schools all over Europe. Athens College Elementary School teachers from the English Department will be responsible for Elementary School level.

The other partners in this collaboration are:
From Sweden: Gränbyskolan (Uppsala)
From Slovenia: DOVES (National Operator of FEE and Eco-Schools)

Teachers Marianthi Giannakopoulou and Fay Kafetzopoulou are responsible for the coordination of the Athens College Elementary School Erasmus+ programs. The official launch of the collaboration took place in Uppsala, on February 24-26, with our School being represented by M. Giannakopoulou and V. Karastathis.

Good luck to the teachers of the English Department with their work!