
October 28 Celebration

Oct 30, 2023

With a series of theatrical plays, lectures, musical performances, and parades, all Hellenic-American Educational Foundation school units celebrated October 28. Greek flags decorated many areas of the School, reminding our students of the importance of this anniversary. 

The annual parade of Athens College – Psychico College Junior High and High School students in commemoration of the historic “OXI” (“NO”) was successfully held on Saturday, October 28, 2023 in the Filothei-Psychico Municipality, town of P. Psychico.  The wreath-laying ceremony took place at the Heroes’ Monument in the 1st Square of Psychico.

Faculty - Parade Wardens:

Athens College High School:  Ms. Letta Stathopoulou

Psychico College High School: Mr. Nikitas Smirnios

Athens College Junior High School: Mr. Christos Polyzos

Psychico College Junior High School:  Mr. Dimitris Skarlatos

The Flag-Bearers – Delegates of Athens College and Psychico College High Schools paraded in Syntagma.

High Schools’ Flag-Bearers – Delegates – Syntagma:  Mr. Vasilis Makris

On Wednesday, October 25, students of “John M. Carras” Kindergarten marched in the courtyard of their School holding Greek flags and then attended a musical theater activity in the Kindergarten's theater.

It was with great joy that a joint celebration was held for the first time at the Elementary Schools in Kantza. Athens College and Psychico College Grade 6 students marched at the Alexandros Athanasiadis Stadium, where the speech of the day was delivered by Athens College Elementary teacher Stavros Kallimanis. This was followed by a theatrical performance by Athens College Grade 4 students, presented at the Latseion Theatre.
