Past to Present: the Athens College Journey through time
In the context of the 100th anniversary of the Athens College, the editorial board of the Athens College High School newspaper "The News of the College" organized a discussion with former graduates, to share their memories about the operation of our School, the curriculum, as well as funny moments from their own student years.
On Monday, December 9, 2024, 8 members of the newspaper chatted with 8 alumni from the 1950s at the SAKA Club. The '50s alumni shared personal experiences with the students, talked about the publications of their generation and gave advice. Rafael Moissis '52, Charalampos Tsoutrelis '52, Nikos Dimou '53, Georgios Enepekidis '56, Vasilios Tsemanis '57, Apostolos Doxiadis '58, Ioannis Tzannetakos '58, and Dimitrios Karamanos '59, presented memorable moments from their student life and spoke at length about the values and attitude to life that make up the College ideal.
This fruitful discussion was an avenue of transfer of experiences to the students who had the opportunity to get to know the family of graduates they are soon about to join. The values imparted to the students were of paramount importance for their future lives, since, as was discussed at length, the College is a timeless institution that prepares responsible citizens of the world and equips them with the necessary skills for their personal and professional careers. The College spirit accompanies a graduate throughout his or her life and constitutes a milestone in the formation of his or her personality.
The following students from the "News of the College" editorial team participated in the discussion: Odysseas-Dimitrios Limberopoulos, Styliani-Maria Petsas, Efstratios Rallis, Eleftherios Revelas, Nikolaos-Emmanouil Skevis, Angelos Talpa and Kyros-Ioannis-Konstantinos Tsakonas.
We warmly thank the graduates of the 50s, as well as Mr. Nikos Ebeoglou '55, Mr. Dionysis Kokkinos '57 and Mr. Charalampos Apostolidis '86, for this unique experience, which is one of the most important activities of our newspaper in the context of the Centennial!