Athens College High School 2024 Love and Solidarity Actions
From Thursday December 12 to Friday December 20, 2024 Athens College High School carried out visits of love and solidarity in cooperation with parochial charitable funds of parishes of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens and Metropolises of Attica in the framework of the Service as Action of the MYP programme for High School 1 (Grade 10).
Students of all sections of High School 1, section B5 of High School 2 and members of the Human Rights, Solidarity, and Orthodoxy Club in cooperation with the Athens College High School Student Community raised money for the purchase of goods which were used to strengthen the love parcels distributed by parish charitable funds to our brothers and sisters in need in view of the Christmas celebration.
In particular, the following visits were carried out:
1) On Thursday, December 12, at the Parish Philoptochos Fund of the Holy Church of St. Meletios in Sepolia.
2) On Tuesday, December 17, at the Parish Philoptochos Fund of the Holy Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Cholargos.
3) On Wednesday, December 18, at the Parochial Philoptochos Fund of the Holy Church of Nicholas Filopappou.
4) On Thursday, December 19, at the Parochial Philoptochos Fund of the Holy Church of St. Spyridon of the Holy Metropolis of Nea Ionia.
5) On Friday, December 20, at the Parochial Philoptochos Fund of the Holy Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary of Maroussi, of the Holy Metropolis of Kifissia and Maroussi.
Also, money was raised from a voluntary action of students of the Student Community for the children with neoplastic diseases of the "Floga" hostel. Finally, students of High School 3 collected a significant amount of money which they deposited in support of the Association of parents and guardians of children with neoplastic diseases "Pisti".
Merry and blessed Christmas to all!