Eraser Witches

Eraser Witches

Author : Vasilis Koutsiaris
Edition : Minoas
Class name : 1st-2nd

Nikoleta very much liked her classmates’ erasers.She never tired of looking at them in her own home.She had taken them without asking, but she would return them soon.When she went to school, her friends were no longer happy.And she very well knew that she was at fault for that.She should not have done it, but they cast a spell on herYes, they were at fault for everything.The eraser witches!

(source: the book’s back cover)

Eraser WitchesAuthor: Vasilis KoutsiarisPublisher: MinoasPublication Date: 2015Pages: 29

For 1st-2nd grade students

[date of posting 4/24/2015]
