Welcome to our Library!


During “Library Time,” students have an opportunity to select and borrow books of interest to them, as well as to participate in information literacy lessons and complete small projects.  Students can also visit the library and make use of its equipment during breaks in their timetable.

The library participates in the International Baccalaureate PYP (Primary Years Programme), currently in a pilot stage at the elementary schools, through corresponding thematic units and literacy programs aimed at raising children’s awareness of books and reading.

At the Athens College Elementary School Library, we have:

  • 20,500 titles in greek and foreign languages
  • a rich selection of audiovisual materials
  • board games
  • subscriptions to electronic databases
  • an online catalogue
  • 40 computers
  • an interactive whiteboard


The Great Big Book of Families

The Great Big Book of Families

Author : Mary Hoffman
Edition : Dial Books (English edition)
Class name : grades 1 - 2

There are large families and small ones, happy ones and sad ones, rich ones and poor ones, quiet ones and noisy ones, angry ones and good-tempered ones, anxious ones and cool ones.  Most of the time, they are bit of all.


“The Great Big Book of Families” showcases and explores different aspects of home life in a humorous and sensitive manner, leading the way for discussions between young and old about these sensitive topics.


Ros Asquith’s playful illustrations perfectly complement Mary Hoffman’s text, creating a book that children will pore over again and again.


[from the Biblionet database]


The Great Big Book of Families

Publisher:  Dial Books (English edition)

Date of Publishing: 2011

Pages: 40



for students in grades 1 - 2
