The Temptation of Nostalgia: Everyday Notes
“TitosPatrikios’ book, “The Temptation of Nostalgia: Everyday Notes,” is a collectionof notes that the author kept during the period 1980-2014, relating to variousaspects of life: everyday behaviors,love, the social and political scene, literature and art. As the book’s title suggests, it was often anexperience that acted as a spur for jotting down those thoughts: people, situations, and ideological or politicaldilemmas that the author faced in his life. In this respect, the collection could be consideredautobiographical. However, thanks to theuniversality of the observations, his notes acquire the characteristic ofaphorisms; self-awareness leading to an understanding of mankind."
“TitosPatrikios’ book, “The Temptation of Nostalgia: Everyday Notes,” is a collectionof notes that the author kept during the period 1980-2014, relating to variousaspects of life: everyday behaviors,love, the social and political scene, literature and art. As the book’s title suggests, it was often anexperience that acted as a spur for jotting down those thoughts: people, situations, and ideological or politicaldilemmas that the author faced in his life. In this respect, the collection could be consideredautobiographical. However, thanks to theuniversality of the observations, his notes acquire the characteristic ofaphorisms; self-awareness leading to an understanding of mankind.
The aphorisms written by Titos Patrikios bearthe mark of dialectical thinking. They arenot opinion statements or sayings designed to correct human behavior. Rather, the author approaches his topics froman anti-conformist viewpoint: his perpetually evolving thoughts are pitted againstthe sluggishness of the public mind as he constantly scrutinizes commonlyaccepted truths and undermines their veracity and overturns their meaningthrough a process of investigation and reasoning. Thus, behind the linguistic simplicity andclarity of the wording, one encounters accurate observations – which conceal amature experimentation with the potency of language and thought -, unexpectedfusions of concepts, verbal and logical paradoxes, and humor.
From the short notes, a new humanism finally emerges,based on the irreverent freedom of thought as well as on the premise thattruth, relativity and the transience of human things are all fluid.”
- from Biblionet
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Απόσπασμα πό το βιβλίο:
«Το μεγαλύτερο κατόρθωματης τέχνης είναι να γίνεται ταυτόχρονα στοιχείο συνοχής και στοιχείο ανατροπήςμιας κοινωνίας.»«Όλοι μπορούν να ερωτευτούν με πάθος, όλοι μπορούν να φτάσουν ως τα άκρα. Λίγοιμέσα στον έρωτα βλέπουν να καθρεφτίζονται, ώρα πολλή πριν ξεκινήσει, οθάνατος.»«Η ποίηση ξεκινάει σαν αυτοβιογραφία του ποιητή και ολοκληρώνεται σαναυτοβιογραφία του αναγνώστη.»«Όταν ο χρόνος γίνεται άδειος, η παρουσία της ομορφιάς μπορεί να τον γεμίσει.»
Κριτικές - Παρουσιάσεις
Γιάννης Μπασκόζος, Ο πειρασμός της νοσταλγίας 2, www.oanagnostis.gr,6.7.2015
Κατερίνα Σχινά, O πειρασμός της νοσταλγίας 1, www.oanagnostis.gr,6.7.2015
Χρίστος Παπαγεωργίου, Ο πειρασμός της νοσταλγίας, diastixo.gr,26.6.2015
Δημήτρης Μαρωνίτης, Γέρας και γήρας, "Το Βήμα",17.5.2015
Χρύσα Σπυροπούλου, Πόρτα στη ζωή του ποιητή…, "ΗΚαθημερινή"/ "Τέχνες και Γράμματα", 17.5.2015
Δημήτρης Μαρωνίτης, Γέρας γήρατος, "Το Βήμα",10.5.2015
Ελένη Γκίκα, Η αρνητική κριτική είναι κι αυτή μιααναγνώριση, "Έθνος", 25.4.2015
Αριστοτέλης Σαΐνης, Βιωματικές σημειώσεις και θεωρητικοίαφορισμοί,"Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών", 25.4.2015
Δημήτρης Φύσσας, Οι πειρασμοί της καθημερινότητας τουΤίτου,www.oanagnostis.gr,18.4.2015
Μάκης Προβατάς, Τίτος Πατρίκιος: Στη ζωή μου κυριαρχεί η βαθμιαία απόρριψητων βεβαιοτήτων, "Το Βήμα", 11.4.2015
Γιάννης Μπασκόζος, Τίτος Πατρίκιος: «σκιάς όναράνθρωπος»,www.oanagnostis.gr,4.4.2015
Ασημίνα Ξηρογιάννη, «To παρελθόν δεν θα μπορούσε να υπάρξει αν δεν τοτροφοδοτούσε μια συνεχής ροή παρόντος», "Fractal", Απρίλιος 2015
Γιώργος Δουατζής, Ο πειρασμός της νοσταλγίας, www.vakxikon.gr, Απρίλιος 2015
For more information about the life and works of Titos Patrikios,also see the “Did You Know That…” section on the Library’s webpages.