My innocent absence: exile on three continents.
Frank, Miriam. My innocent absence: exile on three continents. Arcadia Books, 2010.
“The routine for Miriam Frank as a child was to flee without family or home, except her mother. She was born in Barcelona, in the year the Spanish Civil War broke out. Her mother was German and her father American, both were of Jewish descent. But when Franco won she and her mother had to flee to France, only to flee again from the Nazis to relative safety in war-time Casablanca. From there on to Mexico, New Zealand, Israel, and, ultimately, Britain, where she was finally able to make her home. In this poignant memoir Frank paints a vivid portrait of a life as refugee through the colourful images of a child’s eye from Collioure and Oran in France; from the Casablance immortalised by Bogart and Bergman, to markets from Mexico’s Xochilmilco and Rome’s Campo di Fiori.”
- from Amazon.com
The author introducing herself “I was born in Spain at the time of the Civil War, spent my early years in Vichy France, received my primary education in Mexico and my secondary school and university education in New Zealand where I graduated in medicine. I returned to Europe and settled in London, where I obtained my London Fellowship in Anaesthesia and was appointed Senior Lecturer and Consultant at the Royal London Hospital. Concurrent with my hospital work and since retiring, I have translated literary works from Spanish into English and launched into my own writing. My autobiography, My Innocent Absence, Arcadia Books, was published in 2010. I am married and have two daughters.”
-from the author's website
Μαρίζα Ντεκάστρο, Ιστορίες μιας νομαδικής ζωής, www.oanagnostis.gr, 4.9.2017
Αλέξανδρος Ακριτίδης. Εξόριστη σε τρεις ηπείρους, www.apostaktirio.gr/index.php/βιβλία-που-λάβαμε/item/9532-ο-αλέξανδρος-ακριτίδης-σχολιάζει-το-βιβλίο-της-μίριαμ-φράνκ-«εξοριστη-σε-τρεισ-ηπειρουσ-»-εκδόσεις-καπόν-μετάφραση-μανώλης-αλυγιζάκης, 13.7.2017
Amanda Hopkinson, My innocent absence: tales from a nomadic life, by Miriam Frank, www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/my-innocent-absence-tales-from-a-nomadic-life-by-miriam-frank-2066926.html, 31.8.2010
Books by Miriam Frank in English and Greek
Frank, Miriam. Εξόριστη σε τρεις ηπείρους: ιστορίες μιας νομαδικής ζωής. Εκδόσεις Καπόν, 2016.
An unfinished portrait: journeys around my mother. Gibson Square Books Ltd, 2017
Interesting websites and videos
http://www.miriam-frank.com/ (Η προσωπική ιστοσελίδα της M. Frank)
http://www.athensvoice.gr/363279_serifos (ΗM. Frank γράφει στην Athens voice για το σπίτι της στη Σέριφο)
http://www.documentonews.gr/article/miriam-frank-o-xerizwmos-afhse-bathy-shmadi-sth-zwh-moy (Συνέντευξη της M. Frank στην Έμυ Ντούρου)
http://www.iapopsi.gr/miriam-frank-oi-koiones-anages-enonoun-tous-laous/ (Συνέντευξη της M. Frank στην Καίτη Νικολοπούλου)
http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/miriam-frank-reading-sharpened-my-understanding-of-human-behaviour-1.2075486 (Συνέντευξη της M. Frank στον Martin Doyle)
http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/sunday/galleries/miriam-frank (Φωτογραφίες της M. Frank στην ιστοσελίδα του Radio New Zealand)
http://www.exiledwriters.co.uk/portfolio-items/miriam-frank/ (Παρουσίαση της M. Frank στο Exiled writers ink)
http://www.postmodern.gr/i-miriam-frank-kani-ton-kosmo-na-miazi-me-ligotero-monachiko-meros-synentefxi/ (Συνέντευξη της M. Frank στην Τίνα Πανώριου)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imTKIngtm1Y (Η M. Frank μιλάει για την εμπειρία της εξορίας από την αρχαιότητα έως σήμερα)