Instructions for a Safe College Year

As the protective measures against the COVID pandemic are gradually being lifted both internationally and in our country, the safety of the collective is now dependent on individual responsibility.

The College will continue to strictly adhere to the State’s policies, whether they be permanent or temporary, to protect the health of the students, the teachers, the rest of the staff, and of all who visit its facilities. Everyone’s contributions to this effort are necessary to ensure our School remains a safe environment.

With the start of the new school year, the School returns to its full normal operations, with all the school classes, after school programs and events, and the Adult Education courses taking place in person.

The use of a protective mask is strongly advised, especially indoors and in any crowded spaces.

Protective measures will be reinstated or adapted in case of an outbreak of COVID cases.

The coordination of the measures implemented in the School is done by the Crisis Management Committee of the Hellenic American Educational Foundation (HAEF) in close cooperation with the Medical Services. HAEF’s internal policy on this is constantly updated, according to the latest epidemiological data and the directions of the State.   


Back to School 

  • Monday, September 12, 2022, the first day of classes for the school year 2022-2023, it is strongly advised that all students present a negative self-test for COVID-19.
  • The use of protective masks is strongly advised, especially indoors and in crowded spaces.
  • If your child presents any symptoms, even mild ones, it is crucial that they do not go to school. Please check your children for any symptoms daily.
  • If a student presents symptoms while at School, they will be immediately isolated. In such instances, please arrange to pick them up as soon as possible.
  • In case of symptoms, it is recommended that you seek medical guidance and to undergo the relevant diagnostic checks.
  • It goes without saying that in case of a positive case, the instructions by the National Public Health Service will be strictly adhered to: “…the isolation measures that apply to the general population, meaning isolating for at least five days and avoiding contact with others, will apply. After the five day isolation period, and provided there are no symptoms or these symptoms are improving after the five days, and with no high temperature for at least 24 hours without using antipyretics, the isolation period ends. Returning to school with mandatory use of high protection masks (N95 or KN95 or FFP2) or a double mask for at least another five days after the end of the isolation period.”

 Throughout the school year, we will:

  • Fully support the decision by students who wish to wear a protective mask.
  • Continue to diligently clean and air all venues.
  • Ensure there are antiseptics available and will continue urging students to wash their hands or use antiseptics correctly and frequently.
  • Monitor closely the rates of morbidity in our students, aiming to identify promptly any outbreak so emergency measures can be applied.



Usefull Documents


Published on Jan 20, 2022, 12:02 PM by Νίκος Πολίτης