Marathon 2022
On Saturday and Sunday November 12-13, 2022 took place the Athens Marathon, the Authentic. At this year’s 39th Marathon, the Athens College team participated with 335 runners (students, parents, friends, alumni, staff) honoring the history and idea of the Marathon and of Athletics.
For the past twelve years, the Athens College family has participated in the Athens Marathon with great success. This is one more attempt to raise awareness about the School’s Scholarship Program and financial aid for students and their families in time of need.
Our participation in the Marathon is done in two ways:
AS RUNNERS OF OUR SCHOOL at the Athens Marathon (42k) and the 5k and 10k races of the same event
AS SPONSORS OF RUNNERS, supporting with our gift in their name the Scholarship Program. You can still support our runners until the end of November 2022 through the following link www.athenscollege.edu.gr/give/givenow.
Every gift -regardless of the amount- makes a difference and strengthens the runners' efforts. Your support also ensures that no student will be deprived of the College education and experience for financial reasons.
to all the participants in the “College Marathon”. Thank you for your contribution. Collective participation is our
For the results see the Greek version.