Blessing Ceremonies for academic year 2022-2023
On Monday, September 12 2022 took place the Blessing Ceremonies for all school units of the Hellenic-American Educational Foundation for the academic year 2022-2023. After two years of the pandemic, present at the Blessing Ceremonies were all students, teachers, members of the School’s Direction and Administration.
Opening remarks were given by Chairwoman of the HAEF Board of Directors Ms. Annika Papantoniou, Athens College President Professor Costas Synolakis ’75, and Directors of the Schools, who welcomed students and wished them health and progress for the new school year.
Father Ioannis Lamprou read a message sent to our students upon the beginning of the new school year by the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos II.
On behalf of the Attica Prefecture and the Regional Governor Mr. Giorgos Patoulis, Ms. Polytimi Leonardou sent wishes to our students for the new school year.
Blessing Ceremony at the Elementary Schools, Alexandros Athanasiadis Stadium, Kantza
Ceremony at the Junior High and High Schools, Benakeion Building, Psychico
Ceremony at the “J.M Carras” Kindergarten, Psychico