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Athens College Junior High School Science Club ‘Thinking in Physics’– Thermography Laboratory

Jan 10, 2023

On Tuesday, December 20, 2022, the science club “Thinking in Physics” of Athens College Grade 9 participated in a very interesting thermography laboratory experiment.

Students, under the guidance and technical support of thermographer Mr. Nikolas Rapakoulias (’88) and his assistant, used two state-of-the-art thermal cameras and carried out a wealth of impressive experiments.

Through the use of these thermal cameras students gained visual access, in real time, to thermal phenomena which would otherwise be invisible. Students observed the thermal imprint of their body on a chair, of their palm on a desk, of the collision between two bodies, of an eraser in the process of erasing, and of the heat transference from one body to another when the two are in thermal contact. They also observed water boiling, the heating of metal, and studied the effect that contemporary thermo-insulating materials have on heat transference. The body temperatures of Mr. Nikolaos Andritsopoulos and Mr. Ilias Tzavidopoulos, both teachers of the two sections of the club, were taken and students were informed as to the uses and applications of thermography.
