Students successes at the ECNAIS European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools Debate Tournament
Our students competed with great success in the Greek Qualifying Tournament of the ECNAIS (European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools) debate tournament. The two-day competition was organized on January 21-22, 2023, by the Avgouleas-Linardatos School, on behalf of the Hellenic Independent Schools Association, with 13 schools from all over Greece participating. This competition is the selection process of speakers that will represent Greece in the international ECNAIS debate tournament, which will place in Lisbon on April 21-22, 2023.
Our student, Maria Karolina Rokka (HS3, AC) ranked 1st in the competition, and qualified for the international competition. Jake David (IB1) tied in 3rd place, and will therefore be an alternate member of the Greek delegation.
On a team level, our School’s team reached the semifinals, with Jake David (IB1), Kyriakos Gerogiannis (IB1), and Maria Karolina Rokka (HS3, AC), and with alternate Alexia Papageorgiou (IB1).
Congratulations to all our students and best of
luck in the international competition!