The Psychico College Robotics Team participates in the WRO Hellas Panhellenic Robotics Competition 2023
We congratulate the Psychico College Elementary School Robotics Team “Tech City” for their qualification into the final round of the Panhellenic Robotics Competition organized by the non-profit organization WRO Hellas, under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. The final round of the Competition was held on Sunday 26.3.2023 and our students made an excellent presentation in the “Smart Cities” category (Open category).
Team Members
Karolos Vasileios Petropoulos
Alexandros Papaioannou
Theofilos Symeonidis
Michail Chalkias
Nestoras Giannoulis
Georgios Kossidas
Nikoleta Kontogeorgou