IB DP Year 1 students win Visual Arts Competition "Sea is Life!" - HELMEPA
The Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association - HELMEPA, one of the oldest environmental organizations in Greece for clean and healthy seas, invited high school students (A', B', C' Lyceum and IB DP Year 1 & 2) to participate in the Panhellenic Visual Art Competition on the theme: "Sea is life!".
The three (3) winning works would constitute the final artwork that will decorate three (3) different HELMEPA thermos respectively, each of which will bear the name of the respective artist.
Our IB DP Year 1 students Tsochantari Amaryllis (1st), Theodorou Alexia (2nd) and Aslanoglou Melina and Patsi Emanouela (3rd & 4th) were the four top winners, whose artwork will decorate the Sea is Life thermos.
An additional thirty (30) works selected by the Evaluation Committee were part of a Group Exhibition curated by Sotheby’s, at a maritime conference organized by NAFTEMPORIKI on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.