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MoMA visits the Psychico College Elementary School

MoMA visits the Psychico College Elementary School

Oct 31, 2023

On Monday, October 23, the Psychico College Elementary School Library organized a visit of representatives from the New York Museum of Modern Art's publishing department for Grade 5 English students.

MoMA selects and introduces artists to children through its publications that aim to cultivate children's aesthetic and critical thinking skills, as they stimulate creativity and artistic expression.

Hannah Kim and Curtis Scott presented MoMA's work, gave us a virtual tour of its halls, talked about its philosophy and answered the many pertinent questions of our students. The discussion was in English.

The event was coordinated by Ms. Anna-Maria Vlassi and Ms. Marianna Vlassi, creators of the educational programs for the translated books of MoMA (Melissa Publications), which take place in our Library for all grades of Elementary school according to the interdisciplinary units of the PYP.

Grade 2 students attended the educational program "Frank the Little Architect" based on the book of the same name and their constructions were presented in the theatre on the day of the visit of the MoMA publishers.

Afterwards, the publishers took a tour of the School's library and art workshops to see the young artists' works, as well as works inspired by MoMA's publications.
