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LOGOS Model United Nations Conference

LOGOS Model United Nations Conference

Dec 7, 2023

Athens College Junior High School MUN team participated at the 1st session of LOGOS Model United Nations Conference, which was held between Saturday, November 11 to Sunday, November 12, 2023 at the premises of Moraitis School in Athens. LOGOS MUN is the first national conference to be completely organized by 4 IB2 students. This year’s theme was ‘Balancing the scales’; elaborating topics such as the militarization of space even to the regulation of crypto! We participated with 6 delegations representing Brazil, Colombia, Qatar, Denmark, Ireland, and Thailand. Our 16 delegates took part in the following General Assembly’s Committees as well as Specialized Committees:

Brazil: C. Kamarinopoulou_GA1,E. Papadimitriou_ GA2, D. Alafogiorgos_ GA3, N. Kiprioti_ WHO, A. Leivada_ ECOSOC, R. Georgopoulou_ UNIDO (Honorable mention), A. Doumouras_ SC

Colombia: V. Papadimitriou_ WHO

Qatar: I.Divari_ ECOSOC, A. Pefani_ GA2

Denmark: M.Sanoudos_ ECOSOC, E.Kamarinou_ GA2

Ireland: O. Lymperopoulos_ GA2, M. Konstantoulakis_ GA3.

Thailand: K.Polydoros_ GA1, M. Resti_ GA3
