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Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning Classes at Athens College Elementary School

Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning Classes at Athens College Elementary School

Dec 21, 2023

This year Athens College Grade 4 students are investigating the following basic concepts by training Machine Learning models: 

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

2. Machine Learning 

3. Model Training Data 

4. Ethics and Bias

More specifically, in the Culture Unit of the Primary Years Programme, students become archaeologists and learn to train a machine learning model by introducing it to images depicting ancient frescoes. Each student archaeologist takes on a role of either the person responsible for ancient Greek culture or the person responsible for ancient Egyptian culture and aims to train the Machine Learning model to distinguish ancient wall paintings into the two categories mentioned above. Students experimented with different crowds and the representativeness of the training data in order to investigate the effectiveness of the model depending on the quantity and quality of the data provided during its training.

At the end of the activity, students answered an e-questionnaire prepared by the computer science teachers Poppi Vassalou and Vivi Leli, in order to evaluate the activity and the degree of understanding of the basic concepts of AI by Grade 4 students. 
