Psychico College Junior High School students
The following students of Psychico College Junior High School were distinguished in the first round of the Hellenic Mathematical Society Competition (THALES), which took place on Saturday, November 4, 2023:
Grade 8
Damalitis Iordanis
Dimtsas Petros
Nikolaidis Konstantinos Theofanis
Papandreou Menelaos Marios
Hassapis Haritonas
Grade 9
Athanasiadi Kyriaki Manto
Anastasopoulou Ioanna
Vrongistinos Dimitrios
Giannakis Nektarios Dimitrios
Metaxas Nikolaos
Pertsemlidi Maria Eleni
Sakellis Antonios Errikos
Tsarpalis-Pseiridis Nafsika
Students will compete in the second round of the Panhellenic Student Competition in Mathematics (EUCLIDES) which will take place on Saturday, January 20, 2024.
We congratulate our students on their success and wish them good luck in the next Mathematics competitions.