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Elementary school students discover the wisdom of the Arhuaco tribe of Colombia

Elementary school students discover the wisdom of the Arhuaco tribe of Colombia

Apr 23, 2024

On this Earth Day, Monday, April 22, 2024, the Athens College and Psychico College Elementary UNESCO Clubs welcomed representatives of the Arhuaco tribe from Colombia at the Latseion Theater. The Arhuaco are an indigenous people with strong and distinct cultural characteristics and a strong love and respect for the environment and our planet.

In the first part of the event, students of both clubs took the audience on a journey to Greece, through texts and photographs, and spoke about Greek civilization from the depths of the centuries to the present day and highlighted its connection with the environment. Afterwards, they performed Greek folk dances.Then they interviewed the venerable Arhuaco representatives, in which they asked about their daily life and lifestyle, their religion, their relationship with the earth and living beings, their values and beliefs directly related to sustainability.

The experience was special and extremely educational for the students of our clubs. Congratulations to the students and their teachers Ms. K. Tsapatsari, Ms. G. Stefanidi, Ms. V. Androutsopoulou, Ms. E. Tsakopoulou and Ms. C. Tsikalaki for preparing the children for this wonderful presentation!
