Athens College High School Event within the framework of the European Parliament Ambassador Schools
Europe Day is celebrated every year on May 9. This date marks the anniversary of the historic "Schuman Declaration", in which the French Foreign Minister proposed a new form of political cooperation in Europe, capable of making war between European nations unthinkable. Robert Schuman's proposal is considered to be the beginning of today's European Union.
The European Parliament Ambassadors Schools (EPAS) program was launched in 2016 as an initiative of the European Parliament and its main objective is to raise young people's knowledge of European parliamentarianism, the values of political democracy in Europe, as well as to highlight the role and functioning of the European Parliament, which represents European citizens.
Last year, Athens College High School was declared "European Parliament Ambassador School" for a second year and this year it participates in the program for the third consecutive year. In the framework of this effort, which was inspired and guided from the beginning by Mr. Christos I. Konstantopoulos, Co-Director of Athens College and Director of the Athens College High School, a series of many and varied actions were implemented. The planning and realization of these activities was supervised by the Teacher Advisors and Senior Ambassadors Ms. H. Georgatzakou, Mr. G. Karambatis, and Mr.
N. Palantzas who advised and orchestrated the students in all the activities.
The culmination of the School's planned events within this program was the celebration of "Europe Day". The event, which took place at the IC Hall on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 was broadcast live online. It was attended by Professor Emeritus of Macroeconomic Analysis and European Economic Integration of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Napoleon Maravegias who spoke to the students in a lucid and thorough speech about the importance and the most important institutions of the European Union, the values on which it is founded, the objectives it serves and the challenges it faces.
At the end of his speech, Mr. Maravegias answered a series of questions from the students attending the event. The recognition of Mr. Maravegias' ability to fascinate and captivate his audience with his inexhaustible knowledge and the comfort of his universal overview of European and international events was overwhelming.