Our News

Authentic Marathon 2024

May 14, 2024

On Saturday and Sunday November 9 & 10 2024, the 41st “Athens Marathon, the Authentic” will take place. This is the 14th consecutive year that our School is participating, faithful to its own "route of giving" that has been perpetuated since its founding. The College family (students, parents, alumni, employees and friends of the School) enters the race as runners or as supporting runners to support the Athens College Scholarship Program.

Anyone wishing to join the College team in this year’s event can complete the participation form online by July 14, 2024.

A. Race Information:

  • The 5km race for adults and students (above 12 years old) will take place on Saturday, November 9, 2024, in the afternoon (17:00).
  • The 10km race for adults and students (above 12 years old) will take place on Sunday, November 10, 2024, in the morning (08:15).
  • The 42km race for adults (above 18 years old) will take place on Sunday, November 10 2024, in the morning (09:00).
  • The 1,2km race for students (Grades 4,5,6) will take place on Sunday, November 10, 2024, in the morning (10:30).

B. Restricted Registrations: In 2024 SEGAS is imposing restrictions on the number of participants due to the increased demand for places.  Therefore, registration is strictly on a first come, first served basis. 

C. Registration Payments (per runner):

1,2km Race for Elementary School students Free

5km Race for Junior High School-High School students Free

5km Race Advanced Level 30€

5km Race Full Level 70€

10km Race Advanced Level 30€

10km Race Full Level 70€

Marathon Race Advanced Registration Level 50€

Marathon Race Full Level 130€

Students: Students register free of charge in the 1,200m meter race for Elementary School children and in the 5,000m race for Junior High – High School adolescents.

D. Cancellation Policy:  In accordance with SEGAS cancellation policies: Registration cancellations and requests for changes to the validity of registrations are accepted upon written request by registered runners.  Written requests should be sent by email to: [email protected] by September, 20 2024 at the latest.   In the event of cancellation, the participation fee is refunded to the applicant, after a deduction of 10 euros (5km, 10km) and 20 euros (Marathon race) for administrative purposes. After the deadline, no request for cancellation or change in the registered runners’ data will be accepted.

Transfer of registration to the organization of the Athens Marathon 2024 is NOT possible.

E. Information:  You can contact the P.E. Department Secretariat (Popi Simitsi, tel. 210-6798308, 210-6778876 or [email protected]).

F. Training:  Team training by Maria Polyzou, Marathon Ambassador, Balkan winner and holder of the PanHellenic Marathon record, will continue this year at the College. Anyone wishing to participate in the training sessions must sign up at the “Exercise – Sports” Program Secretariat (tel. 210-6798321).  The cost of training is €40 per month.  Training sessions take place every Tuesday and Thursday, 19:00-20:30, at the Stephanos Delta Stadium (Psychico campus).

G. Supporting Runners:  It is important that all of us “take part” in the “College Marathon” by supporting our runners’ athletic and social efforts through donations to our School’ s Scholarship Program. You may support College runners with a gift towards the Scholarship Program here. Your support empowers you and your classmates and fosters a diverse student community that benefits all. Runners that you support are informed of your kind gesture. Collective participation is our strength.

Application Form
