A.S.I.S. Track & Field Competitions for Elementary Schools

May 16, 2015

Within the framework of A.S.I.S (Athletic Conferences of Private Schools), the Hellenic-American Educationalfoundation organized Track & Field Competitions for Elementary School 5thand 6th graders, held on Saturday, May 16, 2015 inKantza.  The following Schools participated:  Arsakeio Psychico, HAEF College, Geitonas Schools,Doukas School, Costeas-Geitonas School, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Ionios School,New Generation Ziridis, G. Malliaras New School, Moraitis School, Chatzivei Schooland Tositseia Schools Ekali.  The Colleges team won first place in 7 events, second place in 7 and third place in 9.  Click here to see allthe results (in Greek)
