Greek Folk Dance Festival

May 22, 2015

Athens College and PsychicoCollege Elementary School students, members of the Greek Folk Dance group, competentlypresented Pontic folk dances at the 15th Annual Greek Folk Dance Festival.The Festival, held on May 16, 2015, was organized by the Nea Paideia Schoolswithin the framework of A.S.I.S.


In celebration ofWorld Dance Day, the group also presented folk dances from the Pontus region atthe 12th Annual Dance Festival of Primary Education in EasternAttica.  This year’s event, whose themewas “Foreign Lands,” was held at the open theater in Markopoulo Mesogaias onMay 22, 2015.


Mrs. Kiki Foti, aPhysical Education teacher at Psychico College Elementary School, coached thegroup.

