Olympic Day Celebration

Apr 6, 2017

The celebration of Olympic Day by Athens College and Psychico College Junior High and High School students took place on Monday, April 3, 2017 in the College Theater on the Psychico campus.


The Physical Education Department and “A” Association chose the history and contribution of the College to Physical Education and Sports, as well as the 80 year anniversary since the founding of the “A” Association, as the themes of this year’s event.


Keynote speakers were College alumni who have participated in Olympic Games:  Messrs. Spyros Kapralos, Stefanos Chandakas and Markos Tzoumaras.  Our guest speakers took us on a “journey” that highlighted sports events during the years they attended the College as well as their unique experiences from having competed in the Olympics.


Ms. Elena Vasilopoulou, music teacher at the “J.M. Carras” Kindergarten, performed the Olympic Anthem, accompanied on piano by Mr. Stefanos Tsokakis, the College’s Interschool Head of Music.


An exhibition entitled “The History and Contribution of the College to Physical Education and Sports” was on display in the foyer of the Theater.  It was curated by Mr. Vasilis Gkaveras and members of the “A” Association.


Event Coordinators:  Ms. Katerina Katsiki, Ms. Letta Stathopoulou and Mr. Vasilis Moschos

