1st Individual Student Table Tennis Championship

Apr 8, 2017

On Saturday, April 8, 2017, five (5) Athens College Junior High School boys, together with four Psychico College Junior High students - three (3) boys and one (1) girl – took part in the “2017 1st Individual Student Table Tennis Championships.” The event was open to all Junior High students who are not officially enrolled in any club associated with the Hellenic Table Tennis Federation (E.F.O.Ep.A.).


The matches, organized by the Cholargos Sports Association (G.A.S.) and the Cholargos APACHE under the auspices of the PanHellenic Veterans Table Tennis Club (POFEpA) and within the context of World Table Tennis Day (WWTD 2017), were held in the 1st Junior High School of Cholargos.  A total of 44 students representing 24 public and private Junior High and Elementary Schools from around Attica, participated.


Winners, per category, of the 2017 1st Individual Student Championships were:


Junior High School Boys

1st place – Iakovos Psarras, 7th grader, 1st Junior High of Voula

2nd place – Giorgos Tournakis, 7th grader, Athens College Junior High

3rd place – Konrad Polak, 9th grader, Polish School in Athens

3rd place Nikos Tsapos, 9th grader, 68th Junior High of Athens


Junior High School Girls

1st place – Ismini Koula, 9th grader, Psychico College Junior High

2nd place – Nefeli Evgenikou, 7th grader, 5th Junior High of Amarousion

3rd place – Nikolena Kakourou, 7th grader, 5th Junior High of Amarousion

3rd place – Emmanouela Mpoura, 9th grader, 5th Junior High of Amarousion


