Elementary Schools Reenact Marathon Race

Nov 7, 2017

The Physical Education Department of Athens College Elementary School organized a two-day event (November 3rd & 7th) dedicated to the Marathon Race.  The objective of the event was to raise students’ awareness about the history of the sport and its evolution through the passage of time, as well as to pass along the messages and values that emerge from this grueling, yet beautiful, sport. Within the context of the event, Mr. Panagiotis Drikos gave speeches in the School’s Theater and a re-enactment of the Marathon Race took place, involving the simultaneous participation of all students.


First and second graders played the role of supporters-spectators, providing artistic works, slogans, cheers and applause; third graders served as route markers; whilst 4th graders were responsible for supplying water and sponges to the runners and for keeping the route clean.  Lastly, 5th and 6th graders were the runners, guided along by their teachers who ran alongside them.


The start of each class section’s race was sounded by the School’s Director, Mr. Loukas Zachos, whilst the presence of the Drum Sticks Band, supervised by Ms. Despoina Souyioul, provided a distinct and special tone.


Young and old responded enthusiastically to the events, thus creating an atmosphere of joy in anticipation of their involvement in the Authentic Marathon Race on Sunday, November 12th.



